Welcome to ESSENCE of Life

For years I've collected thoughts and experiences, knowledge and wisdom about things that to me make Life worth living.

The Pillow Books (13) let you remember sheer pleasure.

The words of wisdom make you think and wonder.

The poetry let you know that you are one of us and
therefor not alone with your joy or pain.

Feel free to contribute with your original wisdom, writings or poetry...
Or maybe you rather want to check out the personal pages. Sorry, there are no animations, javas or other irritating stuff...
Just something about my family and I...Dull stuff ?? For you to decide :-D

About the collections: Enjoy my sensual Pin-Up collection. All of them sensual and beautiful. Amongst my collections you'll also find a large number of photos of the legendary Marilyn Monroe. Some well known, some rare to most people.

Being a collection this site will be added new stuff almost daily, so you've got an open invitation to pop in for new experiences

Charlotte Vinter, webmaster